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Important health and safety protection with Arctic Heat cooling vests

Heat stress occurs when heat is absorbed from the environment faster than the body can dissipate it.
Warmth and heat in the workplace lead to slower reaction times, coordination and reaction difficulties, less strength during physical work and during normal everyday activities. Endurance performance is significantly reduced.

The consequences in the world of work are lower safety, higher risk of injury, less performance, nausea, heat cramps, palpitations, heat collapse etc. and even fatal heat stroke.

It is a common health and safety issue around the world.

The Arctic Heat cooling vest makes a significant contribution to a comprehensive Thermal stress solution for every workplace.

Controlling body temperature is critical to reducing sweat loss.
Arctic Heat cooling vests reduce the skin temperature by up to 17 ° Celsius and this stabilizes the body core temperature. The working body sweats less and the less fluid loss reduces the drying out of the body.

In work life, Arctic Heat cooling vests and other cooling products are an effective and convenient method of protecting employees and increasing their endurance and performance. That is why Arctic Heat cooling vests are used at all "hot" workplaces - fire brigade, blast furnace workers, workers in road construction, doctors in the operating room, work under full protection, military, welders, paper industry, and much more

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