Effects of higher temperatures in MS

Study result Kessler Foundation USA, 2012

70% better performance through cooling

Victoria M. Leavitt: "Memory and processing speed were measured in 40 individuals with MS and 40 healthy people without MS. The study was conducted throughout the calendar year, and the daily temperature at the time of testing was recorded. The results showed that people with MS scored 70 percent higher on the tests on cooler days. There was no connection between daily temperature and cognitive performance for individuals without MS. ”

For a year, the memory test and processing speed were measured in 40 MS patients and 40 healthy people; the daily temperature at the time of the test was recorded.

The test result: the performance of people with MS was 70% better at cooler temperatures - in healthy people there was no correlation between daytime temperature and cognitive performance.

https://www.researchgate.net/publication/221688797_Warmer_outdoor_temperature_is_associated_with worse_cognitive_status_in_multiple_sclerosis_

These results confirm the negative influence of high temperatures on the performance of people with MS and the positive effects of body cooling; they reflect what we have heard from many of the people with whom we have spoken over the past 16 years

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